What is a project?
A project is an undertaking, by a group of people, where specific goals or tasks are set and a timeline within which these goals or tasks must be achieved are established. All projects operate under the constraints of a budget, time, finite resources and a degree of quality. It has a launch point and a point of completion.
Listed below are eight key characteristics of projects:
All projects are differentiable
Project tasks are explicit
Resources, such as funds, labour and machinery are required
Have financial limits
Have a timetable for tasks for to be completed
Labour is needed
Includes a degree of unpredictabillity
Goals and or tasks completed must adhere to certain levels of quality
Project Life Cycle:

Project managers use a five step framework to help complete a project effectively and efficiently.
The five phases of a Project Life Cycle are:
Initiating - The beginning of the project, where an overview and achievable goals are outlined
Planning - A plan is developed, including crucial project details, goals and very importantly, how to achieve these goals
Executing - Tasks are implemented in order to achieve goals set out
Controlling - The performance of the project is measured and the progress made assessed
Closing - The entirety of the project and it’s related tasks come to an end
The eight characteristics of project initiation are:
Choosing a project
Describing the range of the project
Detecting possible project risks
Establishing achievable tasks for all associated with the project
Organise and mobilise a team of people
Create communication tools
Record the Project Charter
Approving ‘sign of points’ with the client
There are two common life cycle paths that a project may follow:
1.) S-Shaped life cycle path - At the start of the project, growth is slow, thereafter momentum is developed and then the project comes to an end slowly. Top down budgeting is implemented.

2.) J-Shaped life cycle path - At the start of the project, growth is slow, and it continues on slowly and then ends quickly. Bottom up budgeting is implemented.

Excellent Blog. Very well structured and easy to read.
Well done
Kind Regards
Well done, Fiona. Very clear and concise. The diagrams were helpful.